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Старый 04-02-2016, 00:41   #2201
Регистрация: Feb 2016
Сообщений: 83
I have played a few campaign missions under RA mod. This is a great mod, and I really like it. Just a few comments:

1. Towed array rip off speed seems too low for subs. FFG like Perry class can still drag Towed array at 29kts and TA won't get damaged. For subs, the max speed for TA is only 25kts. It's really bad when under torpedo attack. TA takes at least 2-3 minutes to retrieve. Before then, you can only travel at 24kts. By the time you reel in your TA and increase to flank speed, it might be too late.

2. What I really like about the other mod LWAMI is that spherical array is more sensitive and useful in ASW fights. Spherical array in RA seems a bit weak.

3. Spherical array's accuracy is very inaccurate. You can check out freijon's youtube video. Sometimes, a contact's bearing jumps around.
Billy вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 05-02-2016, 10:32   #2202
Аватар для USA~Driver
Регистрация: Jan 2011
Адрес: Chicago Il USA
Сообщений: 70

All I got to say CrazyIvan is leave the towed array as is; no baby mode please.
USA~Driver вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 08-02-2016, 19:28   #2203
Регистрация: Feb 2016
Сообщений: 83
One big difference between stock game and RA is hitting enemy sub using torpedo becomes much more difficult. I find active seeker range is much smaller compared with stock game. CMs are also more effective in fooling the sensor. In a scenario where there are themo layers, killing high-end subs like Akula, Kilo, 688i, SSN21 and Virginia takes a lot of skills. I just want to discuss some tactics here to see if any expert can critique on them:

1. Use circular pattern instead of snake and set enable range to be close to the estimated target distance. For example if your TMA determines an Akula at about 7nmi or 14357yards, I would set my enable range to be 14000, 55kts speed, circular pattern, depth below the layer.

2. After launch, keep monitoring the target broad band as well as that of the torpedo's. Try to match the torp's bearing to the target's using wire guidance (babysit it).

3. By the time the weapon activates, if the target already pulled away in big distance or there are CMs, the torp will veer off course. Turn off the seeker then adjust torp's heading back toward the target.

4. If the torp is less than 1nmi away from the target or you feel very close, turn the seeker back on and observe torp's heading changes. If the heading stabilizes then you know the torp most likely achieved a solid lock on the target. If torp goes into a circular search mode, then you know the target is not acquired or there are some CMs around. Turn the seeker back off and re-evaluate your TMA solutions and reengage.

A couple of comments:
1. The reason why I use circular instead of snake is that MK48's snake turns are very narrow. Almost like straight run. Also, snake run requires activation some distance before the target loaction. Since TMA estimation is not very accurate, the exact distance to target is very hard to determine. Enabling too far out risks torp not acquiring target or fooled by CM, too close will risk torp run past the target. Circular with close enabling range (close to target) can help eliminate some issues. If the distance estimation is accurate and the target didn't move much, enabling right on top of the target will quickly achieve a lock on the target. Because the distance between torp and target is very close, the effect of CM is diminished. If the range is inaccurate and the torp runs past the target, circular would allow it to turn back and search backwards.

2. The TMA estimation is very important here. Either initially to find correct enabling distance or subsequent tracking of the target evasive manuvers. My manual TMA is ok at the opening of the fight. But once the target starting to speed up and change course, my TMA becomes very inaccurate. Just wonder if there are any TMA experts can help me with some good TMA tips. So far, once my torp is launch, I turn on auto TMA to keep track of the target's movement while I focus on manuver my own boat and babysit my own torp.

3. If the torp get fooled by CMs, you will see big heading changes. Then it's time to turn off the seeker and wire guide it back onto the correct heading. Here I completely rely on auto TMA to see how far out my torp is from the target. After a few auto TMA iterations, if you feel your torp is fairly close to the target (i.e. the search cone lines almost touch the target), reenable the seeker. If the torp is rising or diving and the heading is pretty much stabilized then the chances are the seeker got a solid lock on the target.

I have used this tactic to some successes so far. Other tactics I tried are not that successful. For air platform, it also works. Since air dropped torps have no wire guide, the torp should be dropped literally right on top of the target in order to achieve a good lock.
Billy вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 09-02-2016, 11:53   #2204
Аватар для USA~Driver
Регистрация: Jan 2011
Адрес: Chicago Il USA
Сообщений: 70
I just want to discuss some tactics here to see if any expert can critique on them
It appears you've developed an effective template for a standard ASW torpedo attack that works for you. Looking it over not much I can add, or critique but perhaps some tips:

1) Use layer(s) to mask attacks. (As tactical conditions allow)

2) Offensive attack positioning. (Baffle use, and exploitation)

3) Closer the better. You mentioned 14,000 yards. I prefer 9.5 -11,000 yards as a default engagement range.

4) Use TB-16 for high speed target track up to 20 kts. Search, acquire, firm up with TB-23/29 (sphere and conformal) then switch to TB-16 for engagement. In addition, snapshot torpedo evasion can also be achieved at 18-20 kts with TB-16 streamed on short stay enabling tracking of inbound/outbound torpedoes and target(s) with no washout. I don't concern myself between which search pattern to use largely because my torpedoes are in the terminal homing phase, input from me is not needed. At this point I cut the wires and reload. Countermeasure as needed. While no two circumstances are exactly the same, this is my template for all offensive offset merge engagements with a TB-16 equipped submarine.

Towed array rip off speed seems too low for subs.
Tactically, my towed array is never streamed beyond half as practice and is at a short stay in higher threat environments - when needed. Short stay is just long enough to achieve normal acuity. A twenty knot burst until fully stowed is more than adequate. Obviously being your best sensor serious consideration should be given to the towed array, however in the most dire situations it might be a better option to lose the array and live to fight another day.

One big difference between stock game and RA is hitting enemy sub using torpedo becomes much more difficult. I find active seeker range is much smaller compared with stock game. CMs are also more effective in fooling the sensor.
See 3) above.

Reinforce Alert adds a serious challenge where stock DW and other mods just fell flat. It was all too easy to fire (and forget) torpedoes at another submarine with no fear of counter shot. Or attacking armed surface units with near impunity. Reinforce Alert a.i. actively defends more aggressively - Surface ships especially - will use standoff weapons in addition to snapshot torpedoes. The modification also adds variation not just platforms but with goodies such as multiple weapons employment options. I'm still experimenting with the passive long range across the layer shot. I've successfully engaged both surface and sub surface targets using this method - still a work in progress but will be absolutely lethal when perfected.
USA~Driver вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 12-02-2016, 01:47   #2205
Регистрация: Feb 2016
Сообщений: 83
Thanks for the tips. I totally agree with the difficulty increase. Before it was a game, now it's more simulation. First time with RA, I was a bit pissed by lack of success, but I am more proficient on the use of weapons. The reason why I emphasize search pattern is the snake pattern turns in RA are very narrow compared to stock, almost indistinguishable from straight line running. Before I can use the search pattern to determine whether the weapon has locked onto the target. But now it's very hard to tell the difference. Also, most of the platforms have towed sonar. Are there still really any baffles left uncovered? Also, I find it's very hard to close up the distance without risking counterdetection. My 688i can get up to 14kyd at best. Any tips on closing the distance but still remain undetected? Also, torpedo passive seeker feels much more powerful than stock game. In stock game, to hit a sub traveling at 5kts with passive torp is almost impossible. Just wonder what is the lowest target speed that passive seeker is still capable of tracking in RA?
Billy вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 12-02-2016, 21:15   #2206
Аватар для USA~Driver
Регистрация: Jan 2011
Адрес: Chicago Il USA
Сообщений: 70
Before it was a game, now it's more simulation.
BINGO! Welcome to Reinforce Alert.

Great to see your proficiency and confidence increase as you go along. I'm sure you'll find once you refine your tactics to the mod it will give you that much more sense of accomplishment. You'll never want to go back. Mark my words.

Before I can use the search pattern to determine whether the weapon has locked onto the target. But now it's very hard to tell the difference.
Goes back to my earlier post about closer positioning, although the patterns can still be useful. Also, some torpedoes run at a slightly slower speed until their sonar achieves a lock then it will speed up to maximum. that's something to watch for as well.

Still, some of it will always contain a bit of guess work. I do still to this day miss on occasion. The a.i. isn't going to make it easy and just roll over.

Most of the platforms have towed sonar. Are there still really any baffles left uncovered?
Even a 688I has baffles that need to be cleared from time to time, and SSK's such as the ultra quiet Kilo have no towed array at all. I killed a Victor III from directly astern at around 12,000 yards and he never made any attempt to evade. The a.i. still has a bit of a bad habit of travelling in a straight line for many miles without clearing baffles. I try to clear mine every half hour (Thanks Captain Ramius) Play around with differing approaches, especially from the stern area. I got close enough to a Delta III to see him clearly on HF sonar, and tracked him undetected in contested waters for eighteen hours. I couldn't of been more than a couple hundred yards from him.

Any tips on closing the distance but still remain undetected?
The standard changing course, depth, speed will never do you wrong; using the layer when available is also can help. Once I find something of interest I never move at a speed above 3 kts. For me it's not so much about remaining undetected so much as making sure I get off the first shot. I'm quite sure that I sometime get detected when trying to close to attack position but constantly changing the equation makes TMA a nightmare for the adversary. Nothing is foolproof and be flexible ready to change it up.

Just wonder what is the lowest target speed that passive seeker is still capable of tracking in RA?
That's a very good question that honestly I never thought of. Might be the key to my shot I was discussing earlier. Perhaps someone here has answers.

No baby mode please.
So now after our chat I regret that remark so please accept my sincere apologies. I've been using this modification for years, contributed to some of the additions, and have pointed out some real bugs. This is the best dev team on the internet - they do listen to the feedback from the user and make fixes when necessary. Its no small feat through years of dedication these folks have managed to keep a games' heart beating strongly when it should have been dead and buried eons ago - and for FREE. That cannot be overstated these guys deserve huge praise and much respect. So nothing personal to you.

Lastly, If you have Tunngle, and Teamspeak 3, a bunch of us gurus hang out on the weekends for multiplayer action. FPSCHAZLY released a two part video recently featuring us at work. I'm otherwise known as TAMBURELLO_1994, if you'd like to work on some of your tactics with us or just share in the camaraderie that is Dangerous Waters - look for us.

Последний раз редактировалось USA~Driver; 13-02-2016 в 11:23. Причина: Clarification purposes.
USA~Driver вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 14-02-2016, 22:19   #2207
Регистрация: Feb 2016
Сообщений: 83
Haha, no worries. I am not that sensitive, but really glad to make a friend with you. Btw, I am having some trouble employing active torp. Passive torp almost always works for me. But active torps sometimes do really strange things.

1. One time I use show truth to test Mk48 ADCAP in active mode. The torp locked onto the target sub, but just a moment before the impact (literally touching the sub's hull), the torp did a violent pitch up and broke the lock. There was no CM around, the target was not maneuvering at all. The only thing is it's traveling at 33 kts.

2. Last nite, I was playing RSR "saving the cripple" mission. I launched 2 torps at the Udaloy. The first one was an active and second one passive (just a few seconds behind). Because Udaloy was traveling at only 9kts, I was afraid the passive seeker might not pick it up so wanted to use active torp to scare it into high speed evasive so that the second passive torp can pick it up easier. The funny thing happened. The passive locked onto Udaloy with no issue and ran straight into the target without slightest flinch. The active however didn't go well. It locked on fine, just before the impact, the torp did some violent turns and broke the lock. I preenabled it and directed it back onto the target. It locked onto the target again, but once again did some crazy turns just a moment before the impact and broke the lock again. I used show truth. There was no CM, target wasn't turning at all, only running at high speed. I reviewed my torp presets, everything is according the manual.

Just wonder if you have any similar experience. Was it the Dixie decoy doing its job spoofing my active torp? But how come my passive torp had no trouble? Was it because the target's speed? It seems active seeker has issue of maintaining lock on high speed target. Please share with me your experience with active torps.
Billy вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 15-02-2016, 21:39   #2208
Аватар для USA~Driver
Регистрация: Jan 2011
Адрес: Chicago Il USA
Сообщений: 70
Had an entire weekend of multiplayer action expending all kinds of ordinance with no anomalies reported.

Here's what I would do: Set up some test scenarios and get some of these situations on a screen capture, or even better - video evidence - and submit it here for evaluation. If there is an issue I'm sure the dev team would want to know about it. I can only relate my experiences which is i'm confident when I'm shooting at something I have a high degree of achieving a hit.

For the record I have used a passive seeker on targets travelling less than nine knots.
USA~Driver вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 16-02-2016, 05:14   #2209
Аватар для CrazyIvan
Регистрация: Nov 2008
Адрес: Russia Kursk City
Сообщений: 1,018
Сообщение от Billy Посмотреть сообщение
Thanks for the tips. I totally agree with the difficulty increase. Before it was a game, now it's more simulation. First time with RA, I was a bit pissed by lack of success, but I am more proficient on the use of weapons. The reason why I emphasize search pattern is the snake pattern turns in RA are very narrow compared to stock, almost indistinguishable from straight line running. Before I can use the search pattern to determine whether the weapon has locked onto the target. But now it's very hard to tell the difference. Also, most of the platforms have towed sonar. Are there still really any baffles left uncovered? Also, I find it's very hard to close up the distance without risking counterdetection. My 688i can get up to 14kyd at best. Any tips on closing the distance but still remain undetected? Also, torpedo passive seeker feels much more powerful than stock game. In stock game, to hit a sub traveling at 5kts with passive torp is almost impossible. Just wonder what is the lowest target speed that passive seeker is still capable of tracking in RA?

Torpedo UGST - you can set the width of the snake (see weapon manual for RA). Also CIRCLE mode - it can be wide or narrow.

Perhaps that MK-48 torpedo is necessary to choose a circle size (wide or narrow). Currently circle option is to choose only the right or left circulation
Only the dead have seen the end of the war.
CrazyIvan вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 16-02-2016, 05:53   #2210
Аватар для CrazyIvan
Регистрация: Nov 2008
Адрес: Russia Kursk City
Сообщений: 1,018

Сообщение от USA~Driver Посмотреть сообщение

All I got to say CrazyIvan is leave the towed array as is; no baby mode please.
For the new version (1.41) we made equivalent regarding the AI Sub and the User Sub towed arrays.

In order to AI Sub could travel at maximum speed when evading torpedoes, it should retracted a towed arrays. ( Then AI Sub will only operate the spherical and hull sonar - but an possible maximal speed for normal work spherical hydrophone). It is the appearance of a real baffle area for Sub with Towed array.

BUT - the tactics may be different - the AI Captain will do sampling how to fight underwater. With the deployed towed array or retracted.

If the AI Captain towed array not retracted, then he will not go at maximal speed - as human player for save own towed array.

A very important change for 1.41 - AI sonarman will now work in real time.

In the stock version, the doctrine always get the right target data (course, speed, and direction of the torpedo), even if the sonarman can not hear the torpedo (very high speed - washout display sonar.)
And in order to get fresh target data, AI sonarman would be obtained data in real time. And not by fraud - when sonarman torpedoes lost, but the target data is still - fresh.

More - AWACS planes have “FC Jam Radar” against SAM and AAM missile that uses an active guidance (Radar). This radar signature of the aircraft is reduced to a minimum, and the incoming missile - maybe destroyed.

Aircraft Electronic Warfare, will affect as SAM, AAM and also the SSM missiles with active guidance - such missiles will also be damaged – self destruct.
Only the dead have seen the end of the war.

Последний раз редактировалось CrazyIvan; 16-02-2016 в 06:44.
CrazyIvan вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 16-02-2016, 21:11   #2211
Регистрация: Feb 2016
Сообщений: 83
1. I realize what might be wrong with my testing. The map I used has a lot of ice coverage. I believe the ice is messing with torp's active seeker, but passive seeker has no issue of acquiring targets. So not sure if it is indeed modeled in game that other solid object such as ice would show up in active seeker. Also, I found out if the target's speed is 5kts or below, passive won't acquire. Anyway, active torp needs a lot of baby sitting than the passive seeker. Last nite, I was playing "Race of Cripple" mission, I got careless with my sprint. A kilo shot a torp at me while I am traveling at 32 kts. I immediately shot off a snapshot towards the suspicious bearing. After I slowed down, I did a quick 1 ping active to get the distance (only 7k yards away) and right in my torp's search cone. I enabled it immediately. A few seconds later, the torp slammed straight into the side of the Kilo. The poor bastard didn't have time to launch CM or maneuver.
2. Also in the same mission, I saw akula launch missile while traveling at 30kts. I am not sure about the depth. But definitely AI was able to launch some weapons outside parameters.
Billy вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 16-02-2016, 21:53   #2212
Аватар для CrazyIvan
Регистрация: Nov 2008
Адрес: Russia Kursk City
Сообщений: 1,018
Сообщение от Billy Посмотреть сообщение
1. I realize what might be wrong with my testing. The map I used has a lot of ice coverage. I believe the ice is messing with torp's active seeker, but passive seeker has no issue of acquiring targets. So not sure if it is indeed modeled in game that other solid object such as ice would show up in active seeker. Also, I found out if the target's speed is 5kts or below, passive won't acquire. Anyway, active torp needs a lot of baby sitting than the passive seeker. Last nite, I was playing "Race of Cripple" mission, I got careless with my sprint. A kilo shot a torp at me while I am traveling at 32 kts. I immediately shot off a snapshot towards the suspicious bearing. After I slowed down, I did a quick 1 ping active to get the distance (only 7k yards away) and right in my torp's search cone. I enabled it immediately. A few seconds later, the torp slammed straight into the side of the Kilo. The poor bastard didn't have time to launch CM or maneuver.
2. Also in the same mission, I saw akula launch missile while traveling at 30kts. I am not sure about the depth. But definitely AI was able to launch some weapons outside parameters.
Regarding torpedo miss on Udaloy:

Did you preset the wrong mode - against surface ships. When you set the mode for ASW torpedoes instead ASUW.

Also - never install the x16 acceleration time when running torpedoes series MK-48 and Spearfish. Maximum acceleration - no more than x8.
Too complicated algorithm works - the sim engine does not have time to process the data from the doctrine.

Some info about add-on "Reinforce Alert" (DWX 1_33 version).
* - AI submarines are able to launch missile with the same depth as players. For example Stallion SS-N-16, depth launch increase to 150 meters, the missiles Series SS-N-27 with a depth launch of 100 meters, etc.

Speed missile launch - increase for russian sub (with bow Torpedo Tubes) to 15 kts.
Only the dead have seen the end of the war.

Последний раз редактировалось CrazyIvan; 16-02-2016 в 22:11.
CrazyIvan вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 16-02-2016, 22:47   #2213
Регистрация: Feb 2016
Сообщений: 83
Сообщение от CrazyIvan Посмотреть сообщение
Regarding torpedo miss on Udaloy:

Did you preset the wrong mode - against surface ships. When you set the mode for ASW torpedoes instead ASUW.

Also - never install the x16 acceleration time when running torpedoes series MK-48 and Spearfish. Maximum acceleration - no more than x8.
Too complicated algorithm works - the sim engine does not have time to process the data from the doctrine.

Some info about add-on "Reinforce Alert" (DWX 1_33 version).
* - AI submarines are able to launch missile with the same depth as players. For example Stallion SS-N-16, depth launch increase to 150 meters, the missiles Series SS-N-27 with a depth launch of 100 meters, etc.

Speed missile launch - increase for russian sub (with bow Torpedo Tubes) to 15 kts.
I just use default 9ft as my ceiling. I never touched that part of the preset. I changed x16 to x8 in my config file. Is that what I am supposed to do? Also, just out of curiosity. Why mk48 can't have wide snake pattern?
Billy вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 16-02-2016, 22:52   #2214
Регистрация: Feb 2016
Сообщений: 83
Btw, CrazyIvan. I really like what you did to AI helo on board of Perry FFG. The AI is smart sniffing out enemy subs and can do it autonomously. That's a really great change compared to the stock game.
Billy вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 17-02-2016, 21:13   #2215
Leading Aircraftsman
Регистрация: Jul 2010
Сообщений: 21
Сообщение от CrazyIvan Посмотреть сообщение
For the new version (1.41) we made equivalent regarding the AI Sub and the User Sub towed arrays.

In order to AI Sub could travel at maximum speed when evading torpedoes, it should retracted a towed arrays. ( Then AI Sub will only operate the spherical and hull sonar - but an possible maximal speed for normal work spherical hydrophone). It is the appearance of a real baffle area for Sub with Towed array.

BUT - the tactics may be different - the AI Captain will do sampling how to fight underwater. With the deployed towed array or retracted.

If the AI Captain towed array not retracted, then he will not go at maximal speed - as human player for save own towed array.

A very important change for 1.41 - AI sonarman will now work in real time.

In the stock version, the doctrine always get the right target data (course, speed, and direction of the torpedo), even if the sonarman can not hear the torpedo (very high speed - washout display sonar.)
And in order to get fresh target data, AI sonarman would be obtained data in real time. And not by fraud - when sonarman torpedoes lost, but the target data is still - fresh.

More - AWACS planes have “FC Jam Radar” against SAM and AAM missile that uses an active guidance (Radar). This radar signature of the aircraft is reduced to a minimum, and the incoming missile - maybe destroyed.

Aircraft Electronic Warfare, will affect as SAM, AAM and also the SSM missiles with active guidance - such missiles will also be damaged – self destruct.

You guys are amazing!
FERdeBOER вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 17-02-2016, 23:07   #2216
Регистрация: Feb 2016
Сообщений: 1
Great Mod ! Are there any plans to add the Victoria/Upholder class as playable ?
Seaside вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 18-02-2016, 23:37   #2217
Регистрация: Feb 2016
Сообщений: 83
Just wonder if you can import 3D models from Fleet Command? Some of the ship models from original game are just plainly ugly in DW.
Billy вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 19-02-2016, 18:18   #2218
Регистрация: Feb 2016
Сообщений: 83
I just started off creating a new campaign called "Crimson Dawn" about 20-30 missions long. However, I ran into some issues with my first mission.

1. I created Norfolk naval base with some destroyers, cruisers and carriers. I specified simple transit tactic for the AI ships through 4 waypoints to get out of the piers into open ocean. But they won't follow my waypoints. After leaving their piers, they just sail to a quiet corner of the base and sit there.

2. My frigates drift so badly inside piers, even though I set the calmest sea condition, no winds. 5 minutes into the mission, they start to bump against the piers and hurt themselves.

Can I copy my mission file to this post and any expert can take a look and help me out?
Billy вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 20-02-2016, 15:18   #2219
Аватар для Jaf
Регистрация: Nov 2008
Сообщений: 255
Сообщение от Billy Посмотреть сообщение
AI ships won't follow my waypoints.
Most likely you made a ship routes through the shallow water .
The game engine in this case does not respond to the route and trying (clumsily) to make a route to bypass the shallow water.
Jaf вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 22-02-2016, 21:10   #2220
Leading Aircraftsman
Регистрация: Jul 2010
Сообщений: 21
Сообщение от Billy Посмотреть сообщение
I just started off creating a new campaign called "Crimson Dawn" about 20-30 missions long. However, I ran into some issues with my first mission.

1. I created Norfolk naval base with some destroyers, cruisers and carriers. I specified simple transit tactic for the AI ships through 4 waypoints to get out of the piers into open ocean. But they won't follow my waypoints. After leaving their piers, they just sail to a quiet corner of the base and sit there.

2. My frigates drift so badly inside piers, even though I set the calmest sea condition, no winds. 5 minutes into the mission, they start to bump against the piers and hurt themselves.

Can I copy my mission file to this post and any expert can take a look and help me out?

1- In this case IA is pretty bad... if what Jaf suggested is not the problem, try to use as less waypoints possible and have them as far as possible between one and the next. If that doesn't work, try with position triggers and a script that forces the ship to change course.

2- If wind and current regions are set to '0' and it doesn't work for you, and if you don't intend those ships to move... what I do is to directly place them on waters so shallow that start the mission grounded, but unharmed, so they can't move.

I hope it helps. I'm eager to play your campaign!
FERdeBOER вне форума   Ответить с цитированием

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