Red Rodgers

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Sub22 17-11-2024 01:53

Hi can you use the arleigh burke class destroyer or the Ticonderoga

cayman 18-12-2024 08:48

hello,CrazyIvan, good friend, when will the 1.52 patch release?

CrazyIvan 26-12-2024 23:08


Сообщение от seadog0514 (Сообщение 147118)
a question,
for UGST torpoto, if I set it to 'straight run' mode, it's sonar search cone will behave like advanced mk-48, search left-ahead-right one by one, or it's sonar search cone will point to ahead only ?

Only direct.
The UGST torpedo does not have the ability to rotate its sensor relative to the torpedo itself.

the color of the cone will only show the torpedo sensor mode. For the Mk 48 torpedo, the sensor cone will not change on the target display, so which way it is actually pointing now. Although potentially - this can be implemented in the executable code.

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