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CrazyIvan 30-08-2014 02:50


Сообщение от Rex_Ursus (Сообщение 140016)
Where do I find it? And do I need to do a complete new installation of DW? Or can I just overwrite my 1.38?

Please, always read the files, that we are working as information.

I will duplicate for you personally to information that has already been designated a lot of times in the file !DWX_RA_1_хх_OPFOR_INFO.TXT:
Installation Steps

I recommend to install it on the "clean" version 1.04 - without any other mods [even RA any previous version].

For installation and correct work of this addition, precisely follow my recommendations.

1. Install -Dangerous Waters- game.

2. Install Patch v 1.04

3. Placed unrar this add-on ['RA_OPFOR_DWX1_39' Folder Name and 'Install_RA_OPFOR_DWX1_39' BAT file ] at root directory Your game [ C:\...\Dangerous Waters ]

4. Launch Install_RA_OPFOR_DWX1_39.bat file for install pack.


* - Install_RA_OPFOR_DWX1_39.bat file and 'RA_OPFOR_DWX1_39' Folder must located precisely in some place as DangerousWaters.exe file

Reinstallation Conditions
Reinstallation: Is possible only on the original version of game - if at You this was already established addition, for reinstall, it is required completely to remove game and to make repeated installation of original game with a patch 104.
Before repeated installation of addition - after removal of game - remove the manually stayed files and folders from this addition/It is necessary to clear a folder of interfaces!/.
Only after that the addition - Reinforce Alert - will be efficient.
================================================== ====

It is very sad that a lot of background information is simply ignored, and because of this there is a lot of empty questions.

Rex Ursus 02-09-2014 00:25

Bear Bug
Thanks for all the hard work. This is the best DW mod out there.

I found a bug. In mission editor The bear plane crashes the game if I choose it. No other platform choice does this to my knowledge. In choose own platform, if I choose another plane it seems to work as another plane. But if I choose the bear it loads 80% and then crashes. It is the only platform that I have put into a mission that I cannot use. I think.

Otherwise, This is a great mod and I truly hope a lot of people start using it.

this is for the 1.38 mod......

Rex Ursus 02-09-2014 01:08

I found out that if you launch the mission, select another platform, start the game then end the game and go back and start as a bear then it loads properly. So there is a work around.

CrazyIvan 02-09-2014 23:31


Сообщение от Rex Ursus (Сообщение 140034)
I found out that if you launch the mission, select another platform, start the game then end the game and go back and start as a bear then it loads properly. So there is a work around.

I do not see any such problem on my own computer to be.

My TU-142 "Bear" , always works well.

Panzermensch 05-09-2014 15:03 guys keep workin on this. Thats just amazing!

I just wanted to start playing DW with this mod again, so I thought I would give a try.

Ivan, you mentioned the latest version is 1.39, but where do I actually find it?
Original Post only shows 1.38 and its hotfix.

Best regards

CrazyIvan 06-09-2014 14:45

This is only a preview - that will be changed in version 1.39 [While still in final debugging.]

Some changes cardinally affect gameplay - such as default incorrect work of ESM and Active Intercept sensors. For example, when the active sensor emits a pulse torpedoes in the opposite direction or even the blind area of the sensor active interception. AI platform detected such an active ping, which is spread in the other direction (ie, not directed at the sensor active intercept)

Also, we have prepared a new package of Russian voices (actually - new addon), which can be set for the Russian subs.

Panzermensch 07-09-2014 16:24


Сообщение от CrazyIvan (Сообщение 140056)
This is only a preview - that will be changed in version 1.39 [While still in final debugging.]

Some changes cardinally affect gameplay - such as default incorrect work of ESM and Active Intercept sensors. For example, when the active sensor emits a pulse torpedoes in the opposite direction or even the blind area of the sensor active interception. AI platform detected such an active ping, which is spread in the other direction (ie, not directed at the sensor active intercept)

Also, we have prepared a new package of Russian voices (actually - new addon), which can be set for the Russian subs.

alright got it!
These are really good news. Keep it up!

by the way, do I guess right that the sound bug in multi station mode is still there? As I reported long time ago, if the sonar operator does not have control over the steering room, he cannot hear audio with towed array.

CrazyIvan 15-09-2014 00:17


Сообщение от Panzermensch (Сообщение 140061)
alright got it!
These are really good news. Keep it up!

by the way, do I guess right that the sound bug in multi station mode is still there? As I reported long time ago, if the sonar operator does not have control over the steering room, he cannot hear audio with towed array.

To prevent this bugs - should be assigned "Ship Control" station and "Sonar" station - for one player in multistation game mode.

Who will manage "Ship Control" and "Sonar" stations at the same time.

Another solution no.

PS: I do not think it's very critical.
In the end, maneuvering is not as active, and it does not take a lot of time to monitor such as hydroacoustics work.

whiskey111 15-09-2014 00:55

There is one old bug in DW: torpedo doesn't go properly into the target ship when all values (range, speed, bearing, course) are properly set. It looks like torpedo goes to target's last bearing location but not to calculated hit point.
Is it something that could be fixed in RA mod ?

CrazyIvan 15-09-2014 07:20

You want to say that the torpedo set in following the course of 125 degrees, does not support a given course?

This I have not seen ever.

whiskey111 15-09-2014 19:34

I'm not talking about the torpedo course set by firing in SNAPSHOT mode. This works ok.

I noticed that calculated torpedo's course to target is calculated incorrectly when assigning the target to torpedo.
I check the target in "show thruth" then set all values of tergat in TMA. Now my solution of target covers the same what I see in "show thruth". Torpedo should go with some advanced course and hit target, like WW2 torpedos.
However it doesn't happen. Torpedo goes to last bearing of the target and simply overshoots it. I tried that with 2000m range to target so it is not so far.

Could you please check how it works for you ?

CrazyIvan 25-09-2014 22:56


Сообщение от whiskey111 (Сообщение 140082)
I'm not talking about the torpedo course set by firing in SNAPSHOT mode. This works ok.

I noticed that calculated torpedo's course to target is calculated incorrectly when assigning the target to torpedo.
I check the target in "show thruth" then set all values of tergat in TMA. Now my solution of target covers the same what I see in "show thruth". Torpedo should go with some advanced course and hit target, like WW2 torpedos.
However it doesn't happen. Torpedo goes to last bearing of the target and simply overshoots it. I tried that with 2000m range to target so it is not so far.

Could you please check how it works for you ?

I recommend setting the speed in the TMA, more than 5-7 knots from the real speed of the target. (depending target range)
Then preemption torpedoes course will be better.

However, for wakehoming torpedoes, it is not recommended.

whiskey111 12-10-2014 14:05

Thanks for the replay, Crazy Ivan. During further tests I noticed that if target's bearing is set as the last, the calculation is quite good.

However, additionaly one bug was found, I think.
The "range to target" value is not correct when is estimated by periscope (visual mode). Usually, we should measure the ships's heigh on its highest point (mast) but this way doesn't work. It sets the range much closer than it is.

CrazyIvan 15-10-2014 02:54


Сообщение от whiskey111 (Сообщение 140198)
Thanks for the replay, Crazy Ivan. During further tests I noticed that if target's bearing is set as the last, the calculation is quite good.

However, additionaly one bug was found, I think.
The "range to target" value is not correct when is estimated by periscope (visual mode). Usually, we should measure the ships's heigh on its highest point (mast) but this way doesn't work. It sets the range much closer than it is.

What distance do you use to control stadimeter ?

Send for me your test mission.

Jaf 16-10-2014 16:55


Сообщение от whiskey111 (Сообщение 140198)
However, additionaly one bug was found, I think.
The "range to target" value is not correct when is estimated by periscope (visual mode). Usually, we should measure the ships's heigh on its highest point (mast) but this way doesn't work. It sets the range much closer than it is.

This is the default BUG of Los Angeles stadimeter in DW v1.04
Bug has been fixed, wait for RA v1.39

Jaf 01-11-2014 14:18

The commanders of submarines, used Win8 for hunting (or rather, tried unsuccessfully to use it).
It seems that finally and in your street come feast.
Dear comrade Komat do the job instead of Sonalists.

Download archive:
Extract in the game folder and enjoy (if everything is OK).

whiskey111 07-11-2014 18:31

Jaf: thank you for your answer.

Is it possible to add some new playable platforms in the future, like Sovremenny class or Arleigh Burke class ? It could be nice to have something bigger under controll ;-)

When can we expect 1.39 coming out ?

Pigmachine 08-11-2014 11:41

Just wanted to howl a huge thanks for this mod!
I haven't played DW for a lot of years, and just sat through a lot of tutorials on youtube, and even scrolled around in the manual a bit.. so I where ready to take on a few easy quick missions.. then I found this mod :157:
I will never get any sleep anytime within the coming weeks!

And I will have to watch Red October one more time, even thou I promised once was enough.

Thanks Thanks Thanks!!

USA~Driver 09-11-2014 08:22

Virginia / SLMM ability
Would it be possible before the next mod release to kindly equip the Virginia Class SSN's with SLMM ability please?


CrazyIvan 09-11-2014 22:49

Okay, buddy.

I think that it is unnecessary to duplicate the same class ASM missiles - TASM and HARPOON.

The more that the US actually submarines do not carry on board harpoons.

We replaced it :)

USA~Driver 10-11-2014 10:53


Сообщение от CrazyIvan (Сообщение 140334)
We replaced it :)

Thank you! :D That's awesome Crazy Ivan! Thanks for responding to my question!!

Pigmachine 11-11-2014 10:13


Сообщение от CrazyIvan (Сообщение 140334)
Okay, buddy.

I think that it is unnecessary to duplicate the same class ASM missiles - TASM and HARPOON.

The more that the US actually submarines do not carry on board harpoons.

We replaced it :)

You're not removing the TASM totally from the Virginia I hope? I love it (the Virginia) as a pure weapon of mass-destruction.. not as a mine-layer :157:

Give us nukes! :32: ..and possibility to play all the playable in the career too! ;)

USA~Driver 19-11-2014 03:01

Just asking . . . .
I just noticed that my Project 877 "Kilo" 1) has no night vision capability, and 2) can only reload the TEST-71's in tube 5 - and not tube 6. Whereas the Project 636 has the NV, and can reload TEST-71's in both tubes 5 and 6.

Is this an error, or all part of the "improved" Kilo capability with the 636?

Jaf 19-11-2014 14:42


Сообщение от USA~Driver (Сообщение 140423)
[FONT="Trebuchet MS"]I just noticed that my Project 877 "Kilo" 1) has no night vision capability, and 2) can only reload the TEST-71's in tube 5 - and not tube 6. Whereas the Project 636 has the NV, and can reload TEST-71's in both tubes 5 and 6.

1) 877 do not have NV.
2) I do not see such problem - check whether the required amount of torpedoes loaded on the rack.

USA~Driver 19-11-2014 20:06


Сообщение от Jaf (Сообщение 140427)
. . . . . check whether the required amount of torpedoes loaded on the rack.


OK...Didn't have the reload in rack six. I now understand exactly what rack 5 or 6 means. That it corresponds to the tube in question: Thanks for the assist, Jaf.

CrazyIvan 14-12-2014 01:59

This is last changes with Reinforce Alert Mod ver. 1.39

Which will come soon

Some info about add-on "Reinforce Alert" (DWX 1_39 version).
[ * - Hardcoded fix ]
1 - FCRadars: Location on AI platforms now finally has been fixed for right direction. For sustainable illumination target for missiles.
2 - Active Sonar sensors for controllable platforms located now in correct model coordinates.
3 - KA-27 AI: Ataka Missile put into helo body from outside pylons.
4 - Fixed a default bugs, where the ESM and active intercept AI platform, receives the signal at a time when active sonar or radar gives radiation in the other direction.
5 - Fixed bug when a AI torpedo fired snapshot against active ping player, unable attack Player Submarine.
6 - Mi-24 Hind: Fixed bug when ATAKA Strike Missiles no takes in pylons.
7 - LPAR Radar 3D model: fixed to right direct position.
8 - ESM Sensors AI aviation: added ability calculate Target Range according fast triangulation method.
9 - AI SS-N-22 Sunburn SSM missile: Added ESM Sensor. Allowed 2 separate search mode - Passive with ESM or Active Radar.
10 - Doctrine "Fighter evade from missile" has been improved.
11 - For military cargo planes and refueling tankers added ability throw countermeasure if CM applicable.
12 - Sovremennyy-II DDG Added to China.
13 - Missile SS-N-22 Sunburn SSM ER (Extended Range) added.
14 - SS-N-22 Sunburn new 3D model added.
15 - 9m120 ATAKA new 3D model added.
16 - more some new photos added to USNI data.
17 - Default bug fixed, when ESM sensors located on aircraft, not detected radars, when planes located above or below min.alt or max.alt hostile radar.
18 - TU-142F Bear User Plane: Radars has been made for separation mode search - Surface Search And Air Search Station.
19 - Russian voices messages removed from TU-142F Bear. Now it english voices.
20 - AI small missile ships (PGG PTG etc.): added ability MF/HF Radio - Launch missiles by receiving targeting data.
21 - AI Sub Doctrines finally - fixed for preventing cavitation in tracking and pursuit modes.
22 - Not russian KA-27 Helix: removed old 3D model and replaced to new.
23 - Victor-I: fixed bug when torpedoes SET-65 and SET-53 had an incorrect preset interfaces.*
24 - Victor - I; II; III, SSN: Cavitation profiles has been fixed.
25 - Doctrines for AI and User Wakehoming torpedoes has been fixed.
26 - Papa SSGN - loadouts change to SS-N-7 Starbright, instead SS-N-9 Siren. Max Depth for Sub fix to 550 meters.
27 - SS-N-7 Starbright depth underwater launch fix to 30 meters.
28 - Fixed damaged system by script for Type 212, Collins, and Harusio (ESM Mast, RadioMast, and Floating Wire).*
29 - Fixed damaged system by script for Delta-IV (ESM Mast, RadioMast, and Floating Wire).*
30 - Red October SSBN: Damaged Systems "Silent Run" and Floating Wire has been fixed.*
31 - Red October SSBN: Internal "Silent Run" engine sound has been replaced to current external sound.
Interface Contol "Silent Run" mode has been remastered.
32 - Added P-8i Neptune ASW plane to India.
33 - extracted ZIP archive with addon content now removed automatically from game folder.
34 - MIG-21 and J-7 Fighters: Pylons fixed.
35 - Y-8FQ ASW Plane added to China.
36 - H-6U Refueling AirTanker plane added to China.
37 - Surface Search Radars on planes, fixed to FLAR (Forward Looking Airborne Radar) option - cone radars has been remastered from 180 degrees sweep to forward sweep.[Between 60-90 degrees].
38 - Some Radars on planes has been replaced.
39 - Radar sweep problem User Sub based on U.S Radar station has been fixed.
40 - Fixed default bug when Air Radars on User Helo and User Plane never broke,including by damage script.*
41 - ASW Planes now preventing crush on water at low altitudes.
42 - DWX trailer: sound added.
43 - Underwater missile depth launch for Deltha-IV, Typhoons, Red October, Rubis and Suffren has been fixed.
44 - P3 Orion User: Radar control has been fixed separate for Forward And Rear Radar Stations.
45 - Captors: Now enabled sensor at ordered mine depth. Shot possibility has been improved.
46 - IL-38 MAY Added Controllable.
47 - PMK-2 Mine-Torpedo Complex added with UMGT-1 Torpedo payload [Russian Captor].
48 - PLAB Doctrine has been fixed: now mid-shallow 122m. ordered detonate depth corrected.
49 - Virginia SSN: Harpoon has been replaced to SLMM.*
50 - Added d3d8.dll file for Windows 8 game compatible. [Thank Komat]
You must move the file d3d8.dll from the folder Win_8 to the root of the game.
51 - Mobile Mine Doctrine: Improved behavior in shallow waters.
When you run the mine at a distance greater than the maximum, it is not removed now. Will be installed where ran out of fuel.
52 - Red October SSBN: Peplaced SS-N-16 Stallion To SS-N-15 Starfish Nuke Variant [ASW].*
53 - Project 1241.8 [Tarantul-V] Added To Russia
54 - Project 1241.8 RE [Tarantul-V] Added To Vietnam
55 - SSN 774 Virginia Class: added new hulls.
56 - Mistral CVH added.
57 - KA-52 Alligator, NH-90 Caiman, HAC-2 Tigre helos added
58 - TRIGAT LR (ATGM) Added.
59 - Whiskey SS Added.
60 - Foxtrot SS 3D model: prorellers fixed to 6 blades instead 7.
61 - Sonobuoys sonar model has been fixed.
62 - Stadimeter Station 688 fixed: now target range is correct.
63 - Helo Pads has been fixed. Air Carrier helo backwards traverse bug removed.
64 - UGST and USET-80 for Udaloy DDG User incorrect depth preset fixed.
65 - AI Subrocs missile Doctrine has been fixed - targeting algorithm more plausible (for different attack - depending on the available data).
66 - AI Subrocs Torpedo Doctrine - fixed bug when the depth of the search without the presence of the thermal layer is set equal for all torpedo in salvo.
67 - Pr.22350 FFGH added to Russia.
68 - Missile added: SA-21 Growler SAM, 9M340 SAM, SS-N-29 Subroc.
69 - Russians CADS Missiles [SA-N-11, 9M340 SAM - Palash CIWS-CADS system] new algorithm guide has been applied.
70 - Weapons Coordinator Ship Station: Some bugs with incorrect classification has been fixed.
71 - Weapons Coordinator Ship Station - new voice added (engage in battle order - By Bill "Subguru" Nichols).
72 - Civillian BO-105 CBS Helo Added.
73 - Super Tanker Modern, now has helo pad.
74 - Arihant SSBN added To India.
75 - Akula-II SSN Class added to India (Chakra Hull, controllable)
76 - AI Sub: Now when evading torpedoes AI captains can use the "Jump whale" - blowing ballast with a maximum boost speed of movement to the surface.
It is not allowed to diesel subs and those subs that can be controlled by the player.
77 - TMA Stations: periodicity of drawing lines was increased to 1 minute instead of 2 min default.

Pigmachine 16-12-2014 07:46

Impressive list! :32: if you only add the Gotland-class submarine, being a swede and all, as playable :P [JK]
Hope for an X-mas gift!

whiskey111 17-12-2014 12:31

The best Christmas I've ever had :)

CrazyIvan 20-12-2014 22:48

Last Version DWX Available
Version 1.39 has been released.

Good hunting and good new 2015 years.

dd149 21-12-2014 10:39

Nice Christmas gift!!!
Thanks a lot to you and the whole team!!!
Lot of testing as so many new things, it was worth waiting.
Best wishes for 2015 from French players

USA~Driver 22-12-2014 00:23

Muchas Gracias!

Well worth the wait! - You guys outdid yourselves with ver 1.39!! - the Russian voice mod is a nice touch also. Thanks again for modifying the Virginia SSN's load out, I'll be putting that to use in short order. . . Excellent quality work all the way around. Thank you all, very much, much appreciated - Have a great new year to all!!

sertore 22-12-2014 19:03

Good job, as usual, comrades!

Thanks to the RA team and best wishes for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Betasom team!

Pigmachine 24-12-2014 06:28

Thanks a million! Merry x-mas :D

CrazyIvan 25-12-2014 00:22

Good Hunting, Friends!

Chris Norman - Hunters of the night - YouTube

CrazyIvan 26-12-2014 20:52

Russian Voices Mod For 1.39 DWX ver 1.01 - Updated 25.12.2014

Fixes an issue with the lack of engines sound on the platform "Red October"

dasOoops 28-12-2014 22:08

Cannot right recognize "OSA-I" in Narrow Sonar.
(Quick mission: I am on Akula-II, enemy OSA-I aka C-636, in Narrow Sonar no right freq. profile).
Sorry for poor English...
По-русски: Быстрая миссия: я на Akula-II, противник у меня Оса-1 (кажись, С-636), на узкополосном сонаре нет профиля для Осы-1 в списке предлагаемых профилей.
(Кстати, если мне не изменяет память, такое уже было в одной из предыдущих версий... Профили для Осы не предлагались для выбора...)

CrazyIvan 28-12-2014 22:31

Tnx, bug has been fixed for next patch.

dasOoops 31-12-2014 20:42

Happy New Year!!

Pigmachine 01-01-2015 03:46

Happy new year!

Some people having problems with the FFG's helicopter bouy over at :152:

CrazyIvan 02-01-2015 14:43

Must be set at the ship station F2 AUTOCOMMAND, and ACOUSTIC Mode enabled on the station F3.

In this case sonobuys automatically update LOB.

Because the option Autotracker not spread on sonar sonobuys.

For example: Akula has 4 AutoTracker, kilos - 2 AutoTracker, Frigate 8 autotrakers.

Therefore, bearing (LOB) update is made by the player or autocommand.

In the same way, and active work stations - impulse always comes, but update the mark active sonar echo, player must itself.

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