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falconsix 26-10-2013 12:02


A long time ago i have uploaded a simple picture with my impression of an german interface for the Type 212 in the game. Did this file has any use for you, and if not, how i could help with further improvements for your great work?

I playing this game since years for now and it is still my favorite, not even imaginable of playing without the Reinforced Alert mod.

Please, keep your great work up!

shchuka 26-10-2013 16:28


Сообщение от Jaf (Сообщение 138171)
This is not RA bug.

I will give good advice: before writing about RA bugs, check it out on a clean version of the game.
This will open a lot of amazing things :)

I think we can fix it.

No offence ment ;) But when one changes the game files, bugs start to pup up inevitably and I just report what I experience... I've also found that there is no sound on some sound contacts in the akula. I'm 100% sure this was not the case in the original game.

Are you guys making a new update any time soon?

Jaf 26-10-2013 19:59


Сообщение от shchuka (Сообщение 138180)
No offence meant ;)

Not at all!
On the contrary, these reports are very useful since the general task is to make the game better.


Сообщение от shchuka (Сообщение 138180)
Are you guys making a new update any time soon?

Yes, update is currently preparing.
Exact dates for obvious reasons I can not mention :)

shchuka 26-10-2013 22:19

Very nice that someone is still caring for this brilliant game :) Good job!

CrazyIvan 04-02-2014 20:54

LAST NEWS FOR 1.38 Version:

Some info about add-on "Reinforce Alert" (DWX 1_38 version).
[ * - Hardcoded fix ]
1 - ADCAP User Doctrine Fixed: Passive Speed Search Set To 45 kts.
2 - Udaloy Active Sonar Ranges Labels fixed to meters.
3 - AGM-88 HARM Missile water crush problem has been fixed
4 - KA-27 Helix USER, added capability take 2 x Kh-35 URAN [SS-N-25 SwitchBlade ] missiles in loadout. *
Pylons has been removed, weapon loadouts placed inside helo body.
5 - Fixed bug with "freeze" russian torpedoes (AI TEST-71 Series).
6 - Fixed bug with KH-35 Uran User, when at short attack range, missile not able hit target.
7 - Sailboat added sound for broadband sonar control User Sub.
8 - US Iowa Class: Fixed To Iowa BB and Iowa CG separate classes. Now Iowa BB able to Shell engage.
9 - Some airstrips has been fixed.
10 - Victor-I SSN: Fix bug when torpedo SET-65 unavailable to loadout from main rack.*
11 - Victor-II SSN: Fix bug when torpedo 65-76 unavailable to loadout from main rack.*
12 - Victor-II SSN: Float Wire an 3D model, coordinates has been corrected.
13 - Bug fixed when AI Sub shot not from doctrine command - fast shot problem (bug 1.37 version) *.
14 - Section "SSP INFO" Added To USNI Data.
15 - Mk 37 Mobile Target - difficult kill bug, has been fixed.
16 - Mobile Mines Doctrine has been fixed, crush depth reached bug remove.
17 - KA-27, MH-60: Fixed bug when Contacts Nav.Map and Acoustic Display have different ID *.
18 - Fixed bug, when sonobuoys undetectable with User MF Active sonar.
19 - Added F-22 Raptor F/A To U.S.
20 - Added GBU-39 Bomb
21 - Added Command Bunker LandBased Hard Object.
22 - Speed Cavitation O.H.P FFG and Udaloy DDG increased To 20-21 kts (vs default 6 kts for O.H.Perry) *.
23 - Fixed a default DW bug, where one type Player submarine and AI submarine, had not the same speed and depth of cavitation *.
(For sample: AI KILO cavitating an 213 feet and 10 knots, but the KILO Player not cavitating at the same depth and speed.)
24 - Cavitation is now dependent on the structure of the props:5-blades,7-blades, Pumpjet,etc... Old or new technologies production propellers.*
25 - SA-22 Greyhound SAM Site with 9M335 missile added.
26 - Moskva CVH: 57mm guns fixed firing cones.
27 - Removed bugs voices and text messages with User controllable air platform - when TIW, and detonation message has been received.
28 - The inability to set a minefield in the mission editor eliminated (bug 1.37 version).
29 - SH-3D Sea King ASW Helo added to Peru NAVY.
30 - AI Sub Doctrines remastered for preventing cavitation in tracking and pursuit modes.
================================================== ===

DW is Rock!

sertore 06-02-2014 19:24

Good news! Eager to see the new version available as soon as possible! :D

CrazyIvan 09-02-2014 00:45

TO DD149.

Thank you for Your attention to our improvement.
Unfortunately, my account is locked on subsim - forever.

we try to make the game as realistic as possible - no matter what.

dd149 09-02-2014 16:31

Thanking the team for its involvement is normal.
By the way the French team is a little bit worried by the fact that you change the platform numbers in the library, which means we have to rewrite the existing missions, I don't know if this could be avoided?
In any case 1.38 has a lot of fixes and especially the hardcoded ones must not be easy to do, good job and thanks again, cant wait to learn about release!!!

dd149 09-02-2014 17:12

Small request from France
We have a request for the French Rubis and Amethyste classes, would it be possible to reintroduce Exocet SM39 missiles in the possible weapon loadout, we understand that this was replaced by a fictive missile Asura. To keep this one is no issue, but we would prefer to be able to use the standard weapons in service with French navy.
Thanks for giving it consideration if possible.

CrazyIvan 10-02-2014 20:37


Сообщение от dd149 (Сообщение 138920)
We have a request for the French Rubis and Amethyste classes, would it be possible to reintroduce Exocet SM39 missiles in the possible weapon loadout, we understand that this was replaced by a fictive missile Asura. To keep this one is no issue, but we would prefer to be able to use the standard weapons in service with French navy.
Thanks for giving it consideration if possible.

New platforms will not affect the compatibility of the missions - as the previous numbers were not changed.

OK - If you wish to see the Exocet SM39 in loadouts, we will make a replacement.

PS: ASURA - was introduced as a promising weapon,, maybe it will be adopted in the near future. :)

dd149 11-02-2014 13:28

No recent information on Asura, seems the program is not very active at this time, crisis is still there...
No need to cancel Asura, by the way, just re-introduce SM39 Exocet if it is simpler.

CrazyIvan 12-02-2014 19:26


Сообщение от dd149 (Сообщение 138933)
No recent information on Asura, seems the program is not very active at this time, crisis is still there...
No need to cancel Asura, by the way, just re-introduce SM39 Exocet if it is simpler.

Rubis And Amethyst now equipped with SM-39.

ASURA remains on SUFFREN Class.

dd149 13-02-2014 13:47

Thanks a lot, we are waiting the release of 1.38 with high expectations:bud:

shchuka 13-02-2014 23:53

That's great news! Thanks crazyivan&crew :)

USA~Driver 15-02-2014 06:29

Happy New Year to everyone here at Red Rodgers !! :D

CrazyIvan 25-02-2014 12:52

1.38 version has been released.

sertore 26-02-2014 10:13

Great news!

We will donwload it as soon as possible to test the new features.

Thanks CrazyIvan and Red Rodgers team!

CrazyIvan 27-02-2014 12:52

Small fix pack released:

Fixes a bug when Rubis and Amethyst loadouts display unavailable.
Fixes a bug when the PLAYER aircraft receives a message about a loud explosion on bearing xxx.

dasOoops 27-02-2014 22:36

Say to Jaf (or other owner - "Fix#01 for RA v1.38" - is not a hyperlink, it a ordinary text

Jaf 27-02-2014 23:01


Сообщение от dasOoops (Сообщение 139010)
Say to Jaf (or other owner - "Fix#01 for RA v1.38" - is not a hyperlink, it a ordinary text

I know :)
There was some problems with Fix, so I blocked the link.

Now it works.
(If game still crashes remove *.lod files from game folder)

dd149 09-03-2014 22:04

Possible bug in AI subrocs doctrine
From one test it seems that AI subs (Virginia tested) can fire subrocs (Sea Lance in that case) at less than 5nm distance from target, which is something that user sub cannot do. It seems this was introduced in v 1.37.
Can you check it?
Except that, all seems to work fine up to now.

One other idea, but maybe difficult to implement, surface vessels visually detect targets and automatically place them on the map. Would this be possible for a sub surfaced too. Obviously when through periscope it is player's duty. But surfaced the captain is normally assisted by lookouts in real life.

CrazyIvan 11-03-2014 23:40

Indeed AI-submarine can launch subrock less than five miles. The game engine does not allow for setting the minimum distance to launch these missiles from ai subs.

Will likely have to allow players to shoot subrock short distances - less 5 nmi.

dd149 13-03-2014 21:28

On one French sub (Perle) seems that when going to periscope depth somehow goes too shallow and top of sail is above surface, could it be induced by recent mods to French units? We will check if this also happens with other subs

dd149 14-03-2014 11:05

Depth control issue
Seems that this happens mostly when speed is below 4knots.

dd149 14-03-2014 11:20

AI subs attack issue (subrocs at less than 5 nm)
One of our members has an idea of mod for doctrines, i will send them to you for review.

dd149 14-03-2014 11:26

SubAtkSub doctrine modification idea
IF ReadyToShot THEN {
if NOT LOCK then {
IF WpCount == 0 THEN {
;DEBUGOUT "Firing One!"
Lock = 1
T_PUSK = ( TIME + 10 + RND 25 )
SetPriority 254 ATTACKBEST
} ELSEIF ( T_PUSK != -1 ) AND ( T_PUSK < TIME ) THEN {
T_PUSK = -1
T_PR_UKL = ( TIME + 30 + RND 60 )
;DEBUGOUT "Firing Two!!"
Lock = 1
IF ( TgtRNG ) < 9619 Then {
SetPriority 255 ATTACKBEST
} ElseIf ( TgtRNG ) > 9619 Then {
SetPriority 255 FIREBEST

dd149 14-03-2014 12:01

proposal of doctrines modifications
Вложений: 2
Here are the complete files.
The SubAtkSub.txt file is based on the v 1.38 doctrine

In the SubrocAttack AI.txt file the modified part is clearly identified as follows
Note: It is still based on the v 1.36 file

DropRng = xyrng ( Tgtx - Initx ) ( Tgty - Inity )

;------------modif glob------
If DropRng < 9260 Then { DropRng = 9260 } Endif
;------------fin modif glob------

If Snap2 Then {

Thanks to Glob our forum member for this, hope it helps.
And thanks as always for your good work on the RA mod.;)

CrazyIvan 15-03-2014 18:18


Сообщение от dd149 (Сообщение 139090)
Here are the complete files.
The SubAtkSub.txt file is based on the v 1.38 doctrine

In the SubrocAttack AI.txt file the modified part is clearly identified as follows
Note: It is still based on the v 1.36 file

DropRng = xyrng ( Tgtx - Initx ) ( Tgty - Inity )

;------------modif glob------
If DropRng < 9260 Then { DropRng = 9260 } Endif
;------------fin modif glob------

If Snap2 Then {

Thanks to Glob our forum member for this, hope it helps.
And thanks as always for your good work on the RA mod.;)

In general, it the correct doctrines.
However, I doubt the wisdom of such a section in the doctrine SubAtkSub.txt:

IF (TgtRNG) <9619 Then {
SetPriority 255 ATTACKBEST
} ElseIf (TgtRNG)> 9619 Then {
SetPriority 255 FIREBEST

This eliminates a second shot at short range - salvo will be weakened.
Always only ONE torpedo will AI Submarines launch at a distance of less than 5 miles.

Ie - here you are trying to limit subrocs shot at a distance of less than 5 miles, but AI Subs without subrocs lose their effectiveness attack - because in the short range, second torpedo will not be fired.

I think this must be replaced by ONLY the doctrine SubrocAttack_AI.txt

Problem of a single shot (1 torpedo on target) was considered in all addons for DW. And it was solved. Not worth it to rollback to the original version of the game from SCS.

For Players is too easy to evade from one torpedo.

Because the player can shoot many weapon-salvo in AI-submarine, then why we restrict AI submarine in this opportunity?

dd149 16-03-2014 17:13

For the depth issue when coming to periscope depth, it seems that only the Rubis and Amethyste classes are concerned, sail top is above surface depth 12 m before going to 16m, maybe some issue with 1.38 as they are the only ones modified. Happens only below 4kts.

CrazyIvan 18-03-2014 00:29


Сообщение от dd149 (Сообщение 139101)
For the depth issue when coming to periscope depth, it seems that only the Rubis and Amethyste classes are concerned, sail top is above surface depth 12 m before going to 16m, maybe some issue with 1.38 as they are the only ones modified. Happens only below 4kts.

Problem Rubis And Amethyst has been solved.

However, we decided to fix the problem subrocs shooting at a logical level .

It takes some time to check .

This should change the entire selection algorithm suitable for firing weapons .

There are interesting moments - for example , the submarine AKULA preparing to shoot at a target an 6 miles, and the depth of Akula - 400 meters (1312 feet).

The game engine makes surfacing submarine to launch subroc depth 328 feet for SS-N-27 ASW, or 495 feet for SS-N-16 Stallion - this is nonsense .

After all, there is a torpedo that can be run from a depth of 400 (1312 feet) meters [UGST torpedo].
However , submarine surfaced on the depth Subroc launch to start this weapon - why?
When you can shoot a torpedo .

Subroc, always evaluated as - " the best weapon ."
This is not true . This should be corrected

dd149 19-03-2014 10:13

Functions Firebest and Attackbest seem to have an issue, do you know how to decompile them to understand their logic?

niklos4 28-03-2014 03:14

game freezes
Hi all...
Just made a fresh install of the 1.38 version of RA. The work you have made is superb but I experience continuous momentarily lags in the game flow. Such an issue was not present on the 1.37 version which was installed on the same machine. I'd be grateful of any suggestions/ideas on how to resolve this.
Thanks in advance.

CrazyIvan 05-04-2014 20:35


Сообщение от niklos4 (Сообщение 139137)
Hi all...
Just made a fresh install of the 1.38 version of RA. The work you have made is superb but I experience continuous momentarily lags in the game flow. Such an issue was not present on the 1.37 version which was installed on the same machine. I'd be grateful of any suggestions/ideas on how to resolve this.
Thanks in advance.

I think the reason in your computer - can be reinstalled addition. At least, this problem is not mass, therefore check up trouble on their computer.

dd149 01-05-2014 16:59

Вложений: 1
It seems that there is a mistake.
In database for subs active intercept detection, this gives not only bearing but also range of the active source. See attached picture. This is true for several platforms and also AI platforms.
Thanks to Glob our mate who found out.
Active intercept sensors 61, 230 & 415 are for AIs, 416 for Kilos and 417 for Akulas i & ii... In the last version of database all are using 415 with range detection ticked.
Refer to attached pic.
Happy labor day!

Spock 08-05-2014 14:08

Can anyone please make an Patch that DW Runs again on windows 8(.1)?
Just bought an new Computer, but DW crashes at Startup. :(
There are many other people on the net which have the same Problem. :(


sertore 09-05-2014 09:45


Сообщение от Spock (Сообщение 139422)
Can anyone please make an Patch that DW Runs again on windows 8(.1)?
Just bought an new Computer, but DW crashes at Startup. :(
There are many other people on the net which have the same Problem. :(

At the moment the only one solution available is to use an XP or W7 virtual machine on W8/8.1: we are successfully using Oracle VirtualBox as it is free and complete, but sometimes we got some strange issues on specific hardware.
Hope this help, good luck!

CrazyIvan 01-06-2014 13:03


Сообщение от dd149 (Сообщение 139391)
It seems that there is a mistake.
In database for subs active intercept detection, this gives not only bearing but also range of the active source. See attached picture. This is true for several platforms and also AI platforms.
Thanks to Glob our mate who found out.
Active intercept sensors 61, 230 & 415 are for AIs, 416 for Kilos and 417 for Akulas i & ii... In the last version of database all are using 415 with range detection ticked.
Refer to attached pic.
Happy labor day!

Range necessary for proper operation of the doctrine.
However, we do not explicitly used the real distance in doctrine - distance sensor enable chosen by another algorithm.

The same parameter "depth of target" - it is only used to preset modes AI torpedoes - which mode to run, ASuW or ASW.

Search depth Ceiling and Floor will be set for ASUW mode near the surface. For ASW mode, search depth will be set arbitrarily.Ceiling and Floor value - by maximal wide.

CrazyIvan 28-08-2014 21:23

About 1.39 Version
Some info about add-on "Reinforce Alert" (DWX 1_39 version).
[ * - Hardcoded fix ]
1 - FCRadars: Location on AI platforms now finally has been fixed for right direction. For sustainable illumination target for missiles.
2 - Active Sonar sensors for contollable platforms located now in correct model coordinates.
3 - KA-27 AI: Ataka Missile put into helo body from outside pylons.
4 - Fixed a default bugs, where the ESM and active intercept AI platform, receives the signal at a time when active sonar or radar gives radiation in the other direction.
5 - Fixed bug when a AI torpedo fired snapshot against active ping player, unable attack Player Submarine.
6 - Mi-24 Hind: Fixed bug when ATAKA Strike Missiles no takes in pylons.
7 - LPAR Radar 3D model: fixed to right direct position.
8 - ESM Sensors AI aviation: added ability calculate Target Range according fast triangulation method.
9 - AI SS-N-22 Sunburn SSM missile: Added ESM Sensor. Allowed 2 separate search mode - Passive with ESM or Active Radar.
10 - Doctrine "Fighter evade from missile" has been improved.
11 - For military cargo planes and refueling tankers added ability throw countermeasure if CM applicable.
12 - Sovremennyy-II DDG Added to China.
13 - Missile SS-N-22 Sunburn SSM ER (Extended Range) added.
14 - SS-N-22 Sunburn new 3D model added.
15 - 9m120 ATAKA new 3D model added.
16 - more some new photos added to USNI data.
17 - Default bug fixed, when ESM sensors located on aircraft, not detected radars, when planes located above or below min.alt or max.alt hostile radar.
18 - TU-142F Bear: Radars has been made for separation mode search - Surface Search And Air Search Station.
19 - Russian voices messages removed from TU-142F Bear. Now it english voices.
20 - AI small missile ships (PGG PTG etc.): added ability LINK 11 - Launch missiles by receiving targeting data.
21 - AI Sub Doctrines fixed for preventing cavitation in tracking and pursuit modes.
22 - Non russian KA-27 Helix: removed old 3D model and replaced to new.
23 - Victor-I: fixed bug when torpedoes SET-65 and SET-53 had an incorrect preset interfaces.*
24 - Victor - I; II; III, SSN: Cavitation profiles has been fixed.
25 - Doctrines for AI and User Wakehoming torpedoes has been fixed.
26 - Papa SSGN - loadouts change to SS-N-7 Starbright, instead SS-N-9 Siren. Max Depth for Sub fix to 550 meters.
27 - SS-N-7 Starbright depth underwater launch fix to 30 meters.

================================================== ===

Some parameters critical change the gameplay:

4 - Fixed a default bugs, where the ESM and active intercept AI platform, receives the signal at a time when active sonar or radar gives radiation in the other direction.

8 - ESM Sensors AI aviation: added ability calculate Target Range according fast triangulation method.

17 - Default bug fixed, when ESM sensors located on aircraft, not detected radars, when planes located above or below min.alt or max.alt hostile radar.

20 - AI small missile ships (PGG PTG etc.): added ability LINK 11 - Launch missiles by receiving targeting data.


DW - Stil Alive!

Rex_Ursus 29-08-2014 19:34

Great Mod/Expansion
Thank you for your hard work and the quality of this Mod.

Rex_Ursus 29-08-2014 19:37

1.39 version?
Where do I find it? And do I need to do a complete new installation of DW? Or can I just overwrite my 1.38?

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