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CrazyIvan 19-02-2013 22:15

Вложений: 1

I'll check it out. :)

Next changes i detected and fixed in DB:

Jaf 22-02-2013 00:12

Вложений: 1

Сообщение от sertore (Сообщение 135227)
after some database changes we are able to landing and takeoff successfully from aircraft carrier with Viking

Hi sertore, test Nimitz with these settings, please.
Do not retract landing gear and do not disable the autopilot at takeoff.

sertore 22-02-2013 10:52


Сообщение от Jaf (Сообщение 135245)
Hi sertore, test Nimitz with these settings, please.
Do not retract landing gear and do not disable the autopilot at takeoff.

Hello Jaf, will do asap and let you know. Thanks.

Let me take the opportunity to ask if could be possible change the doctrine to let the heli and the Atlantic able to engage air target, if closer (Heli with Ataka and Atlantic with Sidewinder); this could be a big enhancement from the air defence point of view. Thanks.

Drakken 23-02-2013 14:51

Hi friends, I have a big problem... with my new video graphic AMD HD Radeon 6670 and the CATALYST Driver 12.8 my game go into crash when i using the PERI o Laser Peri Station... have you some advice about this ?

EDIT: Good news i try to install the last CATALYST driver 13.1 and now work all well.... :rolleyes

sertore 24-02-2013 18:52


Сообщение от Jaf (Сообщение 135245)
Hi sertore, test Nimitz with these settings, please.
Do not retract landing gear and do not disable the autopilot at takeoff.

Hi Jaf,
works fine! Here the videoclip about takeoff and landing with your settings:

New RA Settings - YouTube

Panzermensch 25-02-2013 21:38

great to see you guys still working on this! havent been here for long time, but I´d like to say thanks. well done, I think I gonna launch DW again right now.

Jaf 25-02-2013 23:49

Вложений: 1

Сообщение от sertore (Сообщение 135277)
Hi Jaf, works fine!

Test this correction with Kitty Hawk & Enterprise.
Good hunting!

Von Faust 26-02-2013 15:09


Сообщение от Jaf (Сообщение 135296)
Test this correction with Kitty Hawk & Enterprise.
Good hunting!

I answer to You because Sertore is a little busy.
Both tests (Kitty Hawk and Enterprise) were successful.
In the video you can not see but are good take-offs from various sides of the take-off ramp.
Only with one landing I had prblems but i think it was my error (too long on the ramp :rolleyes)

Thank You and best regards

Jaf 26-02-2013 19:23


Сообщение от Von Faust (Сообщение 135308)
Both tests (Kitty Hawk and Enterprise) were successful.

Not necessarily do everything myself - the autopilot itself copes with landing
(ReturnToBase & LandOn commands)
However it is sometimes mistaken and break the airplane.

Pr3F1x 04-04-2013 12:31

Reaction Alert crew:

Thank you for keeping up development and improving DWX for so long.

A heartfelt THANK YOU from me, my colleagues and our commander here in the Netherlands, DWX is the only reason we keep awake during slow days, instead of nodding off :p

EDIT: typo's

Drakken 06-05-2013 21:09

Hi guys, there is a problem with the wire-guide of BLACKSHARK Torpedo...
i see in DB and in effect the "GUIDED" otions is not selected.
So you can fix it in next release.

CrazyIvan 07-05-2013 10:24


Сообщение от Drakken (Сообщение 136474)
Hi guys, there is a problem with the wire-guide of BLACKSHARK Torpedo...
i see in DB and in effect the "GUIDED" otions is not selected.
So you can fix it in next release.

Tnx, Drakken!
Has been fixed.

CrazyIvan 12-05-2013 19:07

Some info about add-on "Reinforce Alert" (DWX 1_37 version).
* - Airstrip has been fixed for driveable S-3 Viking successful landing
* - USNI data added picture Communication Center
* - USNI DATA: TU-142 Bear new photo added.
* - S-3 Viking dll files fixed.
* - SUB SSP stations: Sound propagation fixed to meters per second instead feet per second at SUB with metric system.
* - Akula-2 Improved: Missiles names at weaponloadout and Fire Control station changed to "Sizzler" instead 3M-54e1 ASCM and ALFA ASM instead 3M-51 ALFA
* - Depth of communication has been fixed - now the AI submarine can not get new contacts when they are below Comms depth.
Variable Communication Depth use: Radiomasts, Floating wires, ELF comms.
* - AI Ship will now attack the AI Ship targets,that a player promoted by LINK 11 communication.
* - AI Sub: will now attack the AI Ship and AI SUB targets,that a player promoted by LINK 11 communication.
* - AI Plane: will now attack the AI Ship and AI SUB targets,that a player promoted by LINK 11 communication.

* - Black Shark User Torpedo wire guide option bug has been fixed.
* - Udaloy: Active Sonar Station range scales now in kilometers instead Kyds. Active Transmit Power designated an buttons.
* - SUB Countermeasure Doctrine has been fixed. Declared conditions of work CMs - supported.
================================================== ===

sertore 15-05-2013 09:17

RA 1.37
Good job!
Thanks CrazyIvan and RA team.

USA~Driver 16-05-2013 09:40

Wishing I spoke Russian at this point.

Сообщение от CrazyIvan (Сообщение 136505)
Depth of communication has been fixed - now the AI submarine can not get new contacts when they are below Comms depth.

If I had to die a couple times to make this happen well, then it was worth it. :)

Thanks again CrazyIvan and to the rest of the gang at R.A. Keep up the great work!

Hummer 28-05-2013 18:25


Сообщение от CrazyIvan (Сообщение 136505)
Some info about add-on "Reinforce Alert" (DWX 1_37 version).
* - Airstrip has been fixed for driveable S-3 Viking successful landing
* - USNI data added picture Communication Center
* - USNI DATA: TU-142 Bear new photo added.
* - S-3 Viking dll files fixed.
* - SUB SSP stations: Sound propagation fixed to meters per second instead feet per second at SUB with metric system.
* - Akula-2 Improved: Missiles names at weaponloadout and Fire Control station changed to "Sizzler" instead 3M-54e1 ASCM and ALFA ASM instead 3M-51 ALFA
* - Depth of communication has been fixed - now the AI submarine can not get new contacts when they are below Comms depth.
Variable Communication Depth use: Radiomasts, Floating wires, ELF comms.
* - AI Ship will now attack the AI Ship targets,that a player promoted by LINK 11 communication.
* - AI Sub: will now attack the AI Ship and AI SUB targets,that a player promoted by LINK 11 communication.
* - AI Plane: will now attack the AI Ship and AI SUB targets,that a player promoted by LINK 11 communication.

* - Black Shark User Torpedo wire guide option bug has been fixed.
* - Udaloy: Active Sonar Station range scales now in kilometers instead Kyds. Active Transmit Power designated an buttons.
* - SUB Countermeasure Doctrine has been fixed. Declared conditions of work CMs - supported.
================================================== ===

its begin develop next version or beta-test period?

dd149 29-05-2013 18:47

In v 1.36 the Helix has a strange behaviour, which was not there in V 1.35.
Sometimes cannot even be launched, sometimes explodes on take-off, sometimes not controllable either immediately or after some time in game.
Could it be linked to the Viking fixes?
The changes in 1.37 look attractive, when will it be available?
Thanks from France for your sustained efforts to improve the game.:)

Snipt 02-06-2013 10:35

Вложений: 1
Found bug in 688 SubCommand campaign mission "Halifax". DDG 51 Approach Trigger was dependant on wrong trigger not to be fired resulting in the scenario becoming impossible to finish. Corrected mission file in attachments for future update.

CrazyIvan 02-06-2013 21:13

Has been fixed.

Snipt 04-06-2013 08:51

Found more stuff to fix, i will play through the campaign and fix what i find then send the modified files.

Cavour 09-06-2013 22:54

CMs problems
Hi Crazy Ivan, I report a bug seen on surface ships.

On Udaloy, launched countermeasures #1 or #2 (flares o chaffs) appears only on the water surface and then disappear.
On Perry, all starboard CMs appear inside the ship!

Is it only a graphic issue that does not impair CM's work? Or does it?

I've 1.36 RA.


CrazyIvan 12-06-2013 18:33

Вложений: 2
To: Covour
I do not see any problems.
Snapshot run cm's - all 6 IR and 6 Chaff in the air.

Cavour 13-06-2013 00:07

Thank you to have tested it. I tried it again, also disabling wind, but the issue is still there. I don't know, maybe due to a different OS? (I have Vista)

sertore 13-06-2013 09:53

Hi, problem appears always on FFG, sporadically on DDG.
It seems to be not related to OS as I have XP with the same issue.
CrazyIvan, we are creating a videoclip to show you the problem.

Von Faust 13-06-2013 11:21


Сообщение от sertore (Сообщение 136771)
Hi, problem appears always on FFG, sporadically on DDG.
It seems to be not related to OS as I have XP with the same issue.
CrazyIvan, we are creating a videoclip to show you the problem.

Hi CrazyIvan, this is the video, thanks

CrazyIvan 14-06-2013 07:27

Tnx! Has Been Fixed.

sertore 14-06-2013 09:08

Great! Thx!

dd149 16-06-2013 19:52

On Udaloy, ASW missiles seem not to oprate properly, if target is at more than 5 nm, missile does not release torpedo and continues to fly till exhausting fuel? This happens in both 1.35 and 1.36.

CrazyIvan 16-06-2013 21:49

Maybe you launch missile into a ASuW mode.

Check Launch Presets - Pay attention to the point F.

================================================== ==
SS-N-14 Silex (Primary ASW Weapon)
Multipurpose Missile
Length: 7.205 m (23.6 ft)
Diameter: 0.574 m (22.5 in) (upper body)
Height: 1.35 m (4.4 ft)
Payload: UMGT-1 torpedo
Weight: 4,000 kg (4.0 tons)
- 40 -
Speed: 0.95 Mach (613 kts)
Max Altitude: 400 meters.
Range: 6-50 km (3.2 -:- 27 nm)
Warhead: 250 Kg (AsuW Mode)
Has two modes - ASW and ASuW.
Mode ASW: In ASW employment, the torpedo is dropped in as soon weapon "Enabled".
[ Point "E" at SILEX PLAN on geoplot display. /Weapons Control Station Of -UDALOY *
User * - DDG Class ]
Before Launch of a “SILEX” guarantee that the first WayPoint "F" is ahead of the ship on
distance less than 5000 m.

* - For exact drop of a torpedo, it is recommended to hold a course of the ship in a direction of
target. Torpedo use osnly ACTIVE Mode Search.
As soon as the torpedo is dropped, the missile will be selfdestruct own detonator.
Mode ASuW: In a this mode, “Silex” does not use a torpedo and the missile works as usual
For activation of this mode, at start of a missile, guarantee that the first WayPoint, [F mark at
], will defend from the ship - more than on 5000 meters. It will nominate to a “Silex” a
mode ASuW.

NOTE: ASW Mode - It can also be used with limited success against surface target with UMGT
torpedo at controllable DDG.
Udaloy - has two stations of Weapons Control - F10 and F12.
================================================== ====

dd149 17-06-2013 09:54

Ok, we will check and let you know, thanks!

CrazyIvan 29-06-2013 21:15

Version 1.37 has been released.

cayman 30-06-2013 10:33


Сообщение от CrazyIvan (Сообщение 136962)
Version 1.37 has been released.

Thank you, buddy. evertime, I'm lucky to catch the fresh hot meal:32:

cayman 30-06-2013 10:44


Сообщение от CrazyIvan (Сообщение 136962)
Version 1.37 has been released.

if the S-3 Viking can be re-launched from Carrier, that would be greater. the obstacle is a 3D model with a retractable landing-gear :pilot

CrazyIvan 30-06-2013 18:36


Сообщение от cayman (Сообщение 136978)
if the S-3 Viking can be re-launched from Carrier, that would be greater. the obstacle is a 3D model with a retractable landing-gear :pilot

Greetings buddy. Welcome on board after a long absence, Cayman! :)

CrazyIvan 30-06-2013 19:27

Вложений: 1
Table Of Sound Pressure Level For Submarines in DWX ver. 1.37.

NOTE: All data were obtained directly from the debugger executable files, not by calculating a theoretical formulas.

It should be noted that the formula for noise generation ships and submarines different - for ships using a linear rise of noise, and for submarines - logarithmic.

PS: If Submarine in Cavitation Mode, Then +15 to Currently Noise.

sertore 30-06-2013 19:29

RA 1.37

Сообщение от CrazyIvan (Сообщение 136962)
Version 1.37 has been released.

Thanks CrazyIvan and RA team!

FERdeBOER 01-07-2013 13:58

Thank you very much.

Great work as always!

dd149 01-07-2013 16:04

Thanks a lot from France!!!

cayman 02-07-2013 15:29


Сообщение от CrazyIvan (Сообщение 136992)
Greetings buddy. Welcome on board after a long absence, Cayman! :)

Tried to land the S-3 to Carrier and Airport several times without success(lower the landing-gear first, and then press B return to Base, crash every time), any tips?

OH, BTW, link 11, great work! that really bring up the maneuver of the gaming into another level

CrazyIvan 02-07-2013 18:13


Сообщение от cayman (Сообщение 137039)
Tried to land the S-3 to Carrier and Airport several times without success(lower the landing-gear first, and then press B return to Base, crash every time), any tips?

OH, BTW, link 11, great work! that really bring up the maneuver of the gaming into another level

Use Carriers - KITTY HAWK, NIMITZ or ENTERPRISE for landing.

Other platforms probably can not accept the VIKING.

LANDBASED Airport - accesible for S-3 Viking.

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