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Billy 22-02-2016 22:15


Сообщение от FERdeBOER (Сообщение 142753)
1- In this case IA is pretty bad... if what Jaf suggested is not the problem, try to use as less waypoints possible and have them as far as possible between one and the next. If that doesn't work, try with position triggers and a script that forces the ship to change course.

2- If wind and current regions are set to '0' and it doesn't work for you, and if you don't intend those ships to move... what I do is to directly place them on waters so shallow that start the mission grounded, but unharmed, so they can't move.

I hope it helps. I'm eager to play your campaign!

Thanks Ferdeboer. Yeah, I find the AI ships so restless. Even if you give them 0 speed, they are still eager to move around. I tried the grounding technique. The only issue with that is put ships with different draft together. Like if you put 1 carrier and 1 Arleigh Burke side by side. DDG might be grounded ok, but the carrier will take damage. Also, I need some helps on the following:

1. How do I make a mission's initial setup depended upon the outcome of the previous mission? Like in Red Storm Rising, mission Risposte will be a lot easier if you thwarted Soviet's attempt to capture Iceland in the previous mission?
2. I got stucked on "Race of cripple" of RSR campaign. I escaped to the ice cover fine but buffalo died. Even though I got a message saying the mission is complete, but the critical is still incomplete. So I loaded it into the mission editor to figure out why. Then I realized that even if Buffalo got sunk, it's still classified as "existing". So the mission was still waiting for the dead buffalo to reach ice cover. Also, during the mission, I found that those dead platforms are still able to emit active sonar. The Udaloy, 2xGrisha and the Krivak. Especially when the ASW aircraft are using active sonars, your active intercept will pick up emissions from those deads as well. So, my question is how do I just remove a dead platform when I create my own missions instead leaving it on the map like what "Race ofcripple" is doing currently.

FERdeBOER 23-02-2016 02:15


Сообщение от Billy (Сообщение 142758)
Thanks Ferdeboer. Yeah, I find the AI ships so restless. Even if you give them 0 speed, they are still eager to move around. I tried the grounding technique. The only issue with that is put ships with different draft together. Like if you put 1 carrier and 1 Arleigh Burke side by side. DDG might be grounded ok, but the carrier will take damage.

I'm afraid you will have to go for a middle way between what you want and what the editor allows you to... I've even noticed that sometimes land is not exactly the same when I reopen a mission in the editor... :132:
So maybe you should place the ships in different places or a bit farther away/closer than you thought...


Also, I need some helps on the following:

1. How do I make a mission's initial setup depended upon the outcome of the previous mission? Like in Red Storm Rising, mission Risposte will be a lot easier if you thwarted Soviet's attempt to capture Iceland in the previous mission?
I guess you already created the .cam file where you are putting all the missions? You have to manually rename you missions from .mu yo .mc and then add them to the .cam file. Once the mission is inside the campaign file you can "call it" in the editor in a condition.
Then you create a group with probability 0 that is created in case a trigger in a previous mission was (or wasn't) fired.
I can explain this in more detail if you are not sure what I'm talking about, I just don't want to bore you with things you might know already.


2. I got stucked on "Race of cripple" of RSR campaign. I escaped to the ice cover fine but buffalo died. Even though I got a message saying the mission is complete, but the critical is still incomplete. So I loaded it into the mission editor to figure out why. Then I realized that even if Buffalo got sunk, it's still classified as "existing". So the mission was still waiting for the dead buffalo to reach ice cover. Also, during the mission, I found that those dead platforms are still able to emit active sonar. The Udaloy, 2xGrisha and the Krivak. Especially when the ASW aircraft are using active sonars, your active intercept will pick up emissions from those deads as well. So, my question is how do I just remove a dead platform when I create my own missions instead leaving it on the map like what "Race ofcripple" is doing currently.
I'm not sure what's all this, as I've never played that mission... You might want to remove the "buffalo survives" goal... or change the critical goal to "non critical" so you can go to the next mission anyway. I'm afraid I won't be of any help on this.

As for the dead platforms still emitting... it's really weird!
Usually the game deletes destroyed platforms after a while, so you shouldn't be worried for this.
I case it happens to you and you need to be sure a platform is removed (or you want to remove it for any other reason) you have two ways:
- Add an attached trigger and select "remove attached object" when the trigger fires
- Create a script that removes that platform.

Billy 23-02-2016 20:58

Hi Ferdeboer,

Nice to hear from you again. I have developed a rough list of missions and storylines. The list pretty much outlines what each mission is all about and where it's going to take place. I'll probably need a lot of helps along the way. If any of you are interested in participating and helping out, please let me have your emails. I'll send you the story line. The whole campaign provides an opportunity for the player to experience many current day world events such as War on ISIS, Russian jet shot down by Turkey Crisis, Ukrainian crisis. South China Sea conflicts, North Korean nuclear and missile crisis and some other fictional events. The first few missions of the campaign are all about training and tactics. There will be some advanced tactics, so that the player will be ready for later more difficult missions.

FERdeBOER 24-02-2016 16:46


Сообщение от Billy (Сообщение 142773)
Hi Ferdeboer,

Nice to hear from you again. I have developed a rough list of missions and storylines. The list pretty much outlines what each mission is all about and where it's going to take place. I'll probably need a lot of helps along the way. If any of you are interested in participating and helping out, please let me have your emails. I'll send you the story line. The whole campaign provides an opportunity for the player to experience many current day world events such as War on ISIS, Russian jet shot down by Turkey Crisis, Ukrainian crisis. South China Sea conflicts, North Korean nuclear and missile crisis and some other fictional events. The first few missions of the campaign are all about training and tactics. There will be some advanced tactics, so that the player will be ready for later more difficult missions.

Sounds great. It's a pity I have little time, :132: but I'd like to help.

I'm sending you a PM.

kyte 04-03-2016 18:49

What about on-line missions?

Сообщение от Billy (Сообщение 142723)
I just started off creating a new campaign called "Crimson Dawn"

I am very impressed with your enthusiasm for campaign creation.
At the same time I wanted to suggest you to try the hand in development of missions for online game. It have to be short missions for 1,5 -2,5 hours for 2-6 players on different platforms. And the most interesting when in these missions there are purposes and tasks, but not simply "kill all of them".

In return our community could give help in testing of these missions.

Best regards!

CrazyIvan 04-03-2016 23:36


Сообщение от kyte (Сообщение 142878)
I am very impressed with your enthusiasm for campaign creation.
At the same time I wanted to suggest you to try the hand in development of missions for online game. It have to be short missions for 1,5 -2,5 hours for 2-6 players on different platforms. And the most interesting when in these missions there are purposes and tasks, but not simply "kill all of them".

In return our community could give help in testing of these missions.

Best regards!

i agree to commit test

Billy 08-03-2016 06:27

Sure. After I am done, I will submit them, so you can all test it for me. However, I need some help on writing scripts. The manual is not very specific on this subject. Is there any detailed information on script writing? Just out of curiosity, I noticed that Virginia class sub doesn't have torpedo tube doors and vls hatch doors, unlike those default subs such as LA class and Akula class. Wonder if that's something can be modeled.

FERdeBOER 08-03-2016 17:33


Сообщение от Billy (Сообщение 142913)
Sure. After I am done, I will submit them, so you can all test it for me. However, I need some help on writing scripts. The manual is not very specific on this subject. Is there any detailed information on script writing? Just out of curiosity, I noticed that Virginia class sub doesn't have torpedo tube doors and vls hatch doors, unlike those default subs such as LA class and Akula class. Wonder if that's something can be modeled.

Billy, I answered your email, didn't you receive it?

Billy 08-03-2016 22:48


Сообщение от FERdeBOER (Сообщение 142917)
Billy, I answered your email, didn't you receive it?

Oh, I haven't checked my email for a few days. Just came back from a trip yesterday. I will check your email and get back to you.

racdenis 16-03-2016 14:56

Where can I read more about active sonar? By "more" I mean conditions of it's proper work, how different water depth affects it, storm, target angle relative to ownship.

Because I have absolutely no chance to detect enemy submarine in northern seas (bottom depth is about 150-250 meters) at distance over 3 nm even with active sonar.

Fercyful 18-03-2016 04:04

Nuke Bomb?
Hi there friends!

I'm having a blast with the MOD. The amount of units and details are a real dream. Thanks for it to creators and supporters.

I'm trying to do a nuclear strike mission using a TU-142 Bear armed with WE-177 (Nuke Depth Charge/Bomb) The part of "bomb" is that hunts me (I read the weapons manual RA_Weapon_Info_rev35.pdf) Is there a way to set the detonation altitude to surface?

I know in the MOD we have these options : Detonate Depth: Surface - 27 m. (90 ft) Shallow - 122 m. (400 ft) Deep - 305 m. (1000 ft ) Bottom - 656 m. (2152 ft) For depth charge mode is working perfect. Just want to use it as a normal bomb (maybe for fun, yes). Sometimes I get a ground explosion using the "27m" option but is like random, most of the times nothing happens.

Is possible to "edit" the MOD database for put there "0m" or something like that to force the detonation on ground? I can try to edit the database myself (if that is possible)

Thanks for any advice on this!!

ps: Sorry for my english.

Castout 07-04-2016 07:03

Hello! Greetings from Jakarta. I have been enjoying DWX for years, thank you for such an awesome work. My only gripe is that some newer U.S. Submarine models look rather bad compared to their Russian counterparts.

Anyway, I logged in to inquire whether there is a bug with the Udaloy.
Every time I select the Udaloy in quick mission, the game crashes on me and I'm forced to reboot my PC to close the app.

Is there any update in the work for DWX/Reinforce Alert?

Thank you again.

I played the Sub Command Gepard Campaign again in DWX 1.40 and much to my dismay the spec-op isn't detected to have reached their designated destination rendering the extra objectives impossible to be completed. This has always been an issue since DWX early days.

Edit 2:
Yes I confirmed that the Udaloy would cause a crash in Win 10 with custom dll. As far as I know, the other playable platforms are fine.

sertore 07-04-2016 14:43

Hello RA team,
new russian Husky class is going to replace the Akula, Victor and Sierra ones with new weapons too: specs not available yet but I think we will get them soon.

Just a suggestion for further improvment of your good mod!

Thanks and all the best as usual,

OrangeFr3ak 14-04-2016 11:17

I'd like to see Indian Navy Kilos since they are a major user of the type, possibly as the Sindhughosh-class. Do you plan to include them in future, Ivan?

CrazyIvan 12-07-2016 02:31


Сообщение от OrangeFr3ak (Сообщение 143089)
I'd like to see Indian Navy Kilos since they are a major user of the type, possibly as the Sindhughosh-class. Do you plan to include them in future, Ivan?

Only new Skipjack (SSN-585) will arrive and Chinese Type 093 SSN (SHANG).

CrazyIvan 21-07-2016 20:36

Version 1.41 at final debugging stage.
Some important info about add-on "Reinforce Alert" (DWX 1_41 version).
[ * - Hardcoded fix ]
* - CounterMeasures (Decoy,Jammer) - changed 3D models.
* - Added 44 objects. [DbRecNum 1489 - 1533]
* - AI Yasen-M SSN (Granay) added.*
* - Chinese NAVY: Updated.
* - New doctrines added: AWACS,EW,ELINT mission.
* - AWACS, ELINT planes and Helo: Local FCR Jammer (AAM missile defence) and Radar Jammer countermeasure has been modelled.
* - EW Planes: Modelled damage any detected SSM and ASM missiles with active radar guidance - in terminal stage attack.
* - Whales: added doctrine - escape from active ping sonar.
* - Coordinates for some weapon launchers has been fixed.
* - ESM-Radio Station Akulas: Window data Name platform and Radar Name types has been expanded. Now all string fully is visible in the window.*
* - Float Wires: aerial cap 3D-model added.
* - AI Submarines: 'Whale Jump' surface maneuver evade active torpedo has been refined.
* - Type 212A (Italy): SS 528, SS 529 added.
* - Nav Buoys: Short Range VHF Emitter added (around 7 Nmi).
* - AI Sub: Towed Array Deployment-Retracted option added (virtual option not modeled for 3D, only on sensor level).
In evade mode, for maximal speed TA has been Retracted (TA sensors switch to OFF, besides sphere and hull).
If AI Sub evade with Deployed Towed Array, speed must be limited to user value Towed Array Cut.
* - Sub AI Sonarman: in mode avoid from torpedoes, work in real-time
If torpedo traced AI sonarman - then the target data is accurate. If torpedo not on a sonar, the target data approximate or the old data.
* - Sonobuoys Lifespan has been increased x2.
* - AI Subs: Towed Array Under Layer Search Capabilities has been improved - for low speed move at PD or near surface depth. Dive Towed Array under layer.
* - Fishing Nets added: used as part of the formation with a leader fishing trawler or fishing boat astern location.
info: USNI data Sub-Based Section.
* - HF Ice Avoidance Active Sonar For AI Sub, has now equal Player detectability possibility.
* - Kilos: FCTarget Display: Preset Colors has been replaced to green.
* - Ship Towed CM Decoy: Bubbles added. *
* - Chinese Kuznetsov CV: Armament and airgroup has been added.
* - "MP4-Opposed Transit" default multiplay mission: has been restored.
* - Loadouts Displays (Based on Kilos loadout) has been fixed - weapon for tube #5 and tube #6 not available for loadout in main rack. MAIN RACK name, replaced to # 1-4 RACK.
* - SLMM Mine: Explosive Part Has Been Increased.
* - Chinese Type 093 SSN Added to Playable Sub.*
* - SS-N-19 Shipwreck SSM User Missile: Doctrine has been fixed.
* - SSP Convergence Zone: Sound propagation cue has ben improved. *
* - Feedback option added for wire-guided Mobile Decoys.
* - TLAMs: sinusoidal flight over water has been fixed. Now missile fly over deep water at assigned altitude.
* - Skipjack SSN Added to Playable Sub.*
* - SSN 21 Narrowband Sonar: Frequency Scale has been fixed to 100 300 600 800 1000 2000 Hz. *
* - Kilo Narrowband Sonar: Frequency Scale has been fixed to 100 300 600 800 1200 2500 Hz. *
* - Airport Objects: Damage value point has been reduced. (Now 4 tlams for fully destroy needed instead 8).
* - Sounds on surface ships Broadband Sonar Station have been fixed. Now sound is correlated with tonnage and type of ship engine.
* - Campaign "Earning Your Dolphins" from 688 Hunter/Killer Jane's reassembled and ready to use in DWX ver 1.41
* - The transition process for launching torpedoes has been fixed. Now the torpedo no longer gives the its maximum noise at launch.
For the electric torpedoes, the process will be quiet, for gas turbine - louder. *
* - Broadband sounds for torpedoes now sets depending on the caliber and type of engine torpedo - electric, gas turbine, a peroxide.
* - Some sonars have been removed from the conformal and is made as bow location. For example, a KILO SS class now has Bow LF and Bow MF.
The ability of tracking the DEMON now applied is low-frequency sonar instead mid-frequency.
================================================== =======================

CrazyIvan 21-07-2016 21:02

Sonar Station of Skipjack SSN
Вложений: 5
The broadband, narrowband, and active displays in the SkipJack SSN is circular and represents Signal Strength versus Azimuth (SSAZ). :)

CrazyIvan 22-07-2016 01:30

The process of Launch Torpedoes. Physics.

The game simulates torpedo launches at a speed of about 55 knots. The torpedo has a maximum noise she could emit.Even elrectrical torpedoes...

In the new version (1.41), it was fixed.

Now launch a torpedo depends on its type (electric or gas turbine). Also, the old system of running torpedoes, which pushes the torpedo out of the apparatus by compressed air and creates a lot of noise.
The situation was always developed in such a way that the secretive launch of the torpedo was almost impossible.

The decision to upgrade the transition process of launching torpedoes, stands on a par with elimination reports torpedo in the water, which was carried by 50-60 miles from point launch.

Some measurements show how changing the detection distance of the torpedo, depending on its speed:
[1644] NSE: Mk 48 ADCAP Torpedo detected by Akula II SSN with Passive Sonar at rng 5336 -Transit ADCAP at 40 kts.

[1644] NSE: Mk 48 ADCAP Torpedo detected by Akula II SSN with Passive Sonar at rng 14559 - Transit ADCAP at 45 kts.

[1644] NSE: Mk 48 ADCAP Torpedo detected by Akula II SSN with Passive Sonar at rng 19918 –Transit ADCAP at 55 kts. (Actually detected a few seconds after Launch)

Noise reduction transient launch torpedoes, now has a variety of levels. The original version of the game, all torpedoes assigns the same noise on start-up - the maximum.

Аnd the limit of detection, would invariably 19918 meters, no matter high or low speed is set the torpedo.

Now, launching torpedoes at minimum speed, gives the real possibility for a late counter-detect against torpedoes.

There are three levels - the noise of the opening of the muzzle, the noise output torpedo from the tube, and the noise of moving torpedo. Distance to the target is now creating an important point - which of these levels will be found torpedo.

Sorry for bad translate )))

USA~Driver 22-07-2016 10:25


Сообщение от CrazyIvan (Сообщение 143308)

Version 1.41 at final debugging stage.

Looks to be well worth the wait, gentleman. Thanks for the effort.

1) AI Yasen-M SSN (Granay) added !!!!
2) Chinese NAVY: Updated.
3) Skipjack SSN Added to Playable Sub.
4) Chinese Type 093 SSN Added to Playable Sub.

%) :80: :D:59::brake::mit00::dur_486:

FPSchazly 22-07-2016 19:32


Сообщение от USA~Driver (Сообщение 143311)
Looks to be well worth the wait, gentleman. Thanks for the effort.

1) AI Yasen-M SSN (Granay) added !!!!
2) Chinese NAVY: Updated.
3) Skipjack SSN Added to Playable Sub.
4) Chinese Type 093 SSN Added to Playable Sub.

%) :80: :D:59::brake::mit00::dur_486:

Seconded! :P I enjoy the Chinese PLAN additions, in addition to the rest of RA.

Since the US Navy no longer operates Perry-class frigates, are there any plans to add Littoral Combat Ship-class boats (LCS) to the game?

Cпасибо большое)))!!

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