Сообщение от dd149
Thanks! I didn't realize that this and not the sound physics might be the problem? I will ask our member to check that.
You can set a baseline value directly in the dangerouswaters.ini file. There is an entry .gamma . Choosing between 0.65 and 0.67 might be a good thing.
Now if you're using XP and Nvidia cards, its possible to associate hotkeys with tha gamma. So you can change dynamically the gamma during the games. Its what I use normally. The default dangerouswaters.ini .gamma value for all the stations, except sonar station where I increase the gamma through the hotkeys. You most assuredly don't want to have a high gamma on all stations since that will be painfull for the eyes. You don't want to play blindly.
I think you can do the same thing on Vista and 7 for Nvidia and AMD cards.